• Leadership Training

    Leadership Training - Why It Is Good? In the US, we spend billions of dollars annually on management training. But the biggest top two problems on that list were of no other than failure to retain top talent and develop new leaders. Next Gen leaders also were mentioned more than once as often as other concerns. So while all is said and done, leadership training overall is probably not something you want to ignore. Why is that?

    Leaders are not born with or without these skills. Anyone can be a leader and learn these skills. The real difference however is whether leaders have the confidence and ability to execute those skills in real time in an atmosphere that's not conducive to decision making. That's where leadership training comes into play.

    The most effective leadership training programs address these two core leadership issues. The first step is developing a strong inner voice, which is a term I coined a few years back. In simpler terms, your inner voice is your "second mind." Think of it as a kind of inner advisor, a sounding board, and a friend who gives you the inside scoop without comment. A good leadership program will teach this valuable skill.

    Developing an outer voice, on the other hand, is somewhat more difficult to do. In theory, your outer voice should be neutral, objective, and unprejudiced. Unfortunately, human beings are amazingly sensitive to criticism. The classic manager's task is to manage against criticism - it's part of the job! The ideal leadership training program will teach you how to deal with criticism so that you become an "out-and-livener," someone who's positive about everything.

    A third critical area that good leadership training courses address is performance management. At the most basic level, your employees' performance is a reflection of their aptitude, their character, their work ethic, and their motivation. If your company's performance management system is outdated and inadequate, then your employees' performance will be immeasurably lower than it could be under better conditions.

    These three core leadership skills are at the foundation of effective management. It's important to develop all three skills. One of the best ways to do this is through seminars and workshops designed to develop and refine your leaders' skills. Leadership development isn't something you can do at the office. Even the best managers need periodic refresher courses or a "dig in" to get their bearings. Fortunately, many of today's most successful companies have established leadership training programs that allow their employees to participate in programs designed to train their managers.

    A third area where good leadership training will help you is in effective problem solving. Good leaders develop the ability to recognize and solve problems. They are not afraid to admit when they don't know how to solve a particular problem. As a manager, it's important to be able to admit that you're not an expert on a particular topic and ask for advice from other experts. Leaders also know how to deal with various people. This means that they can effectively deal with subordinates, supervisors, and even clients.

    By paying attention to these three areas, you can develop your own unique leadership style that suits your personality and skills. Developing an innovative leadership style that works well with you and your employees will make your company more profitable, increase productivity, and build a strong team around you. However, if you're not already a leader, it's never too early or too late to invest in leadership skills. You may never have to lead another team before you find success by learning to manage others using these three core management skills.